
The longest day

A beautiful sea is raging like a thunder in an interior venue outside our window
For a moment - the wind has stopped talking and writing an ode to the meadow 
Wild as a wooden boat on a river, growing like an untamed pack of wolves
Hunting high and low for unknown poets, crazy tamed words and white verse

The time's running out for the publicist; the woods would echo the sound by itself - 
The seasong would be heard - first hand - by the vultures, the owls and the crows;
The nightingales set the midnight in the big Tower; a storybook's falling from a shelf - 
An aequus nox will occur while people light bonfires and speak of their vows

This is the night that everybody knows about, but have no clue where it started
The painters would set their canvases on waters, the builders would tear down the walls
The ancient voices would talk about alien visitors coming from a planet uncharted
This night is for celebration for freedom had arrived - the longest day on Earth falls.