There's a thin veil between you and me
It's not a big difference between what I can see
And what you can define as your reality -
Who can tell: who are you and who is me?
People are drowned in fake borrowed ideas
They know so many stories, but still they cannot live
Everybody can teach you so many lessons
And yet they don't cut their strings in order to be free
I asked a blind man about what he can see and he told me:
"My brother - is not what I cannot see, is what I cannot feel
A smile from my innocent child, that hapiness from mother's eyes
Or the rising of the sun behind the haze of a cold summer night"
I sit on my veranda and I've nothing to write about
You dream of snowflakes in a corner of my heart.
My journey is over; I realize when I'm trying to wake up -
I'm that blind man and you're the last glimpse of light.